adminの記事一覧( 3 )

NBR. 74  Koyamaji
1765-1 Hirota-cho, Zentsuji City Access By community bus from Zentsuji Stn. Get off at Shiei-yakyujo, about 10 min. walk. Phone 0877-63-0074 When Kukai was thin...
1305 PV
NBR. 72  Mandaraji
1380-1 Yoshiwara-cho, Zentsuji City Access By community bus from Zentsuji Stn. Get off at Yoshiwara-kominkan, about 20 min. walk. Phone 0877-63-0072 This temple...
1455 PV
NBR. 71  Iyadaniji
70 Omi-otsu, Mino-cho, Mitoyo City Access 3.3 km from Mino Stn. Phone 0875-72-3446 Gyoki founded this temple and it was originally called `Eight Province Temple...
1440 PV
NBR. 70  Motoyamaji
1445 Motoyama-ko, Toyonaka-cho, Mitoyo City Access About 20 min. walk from JR Yosan Line Motoyama Stn. Phone 0875-62-2007 In 807, Kukai founded and constructed ...
1400 PV
NBR. 69  Kanonji
3875 Yahata-cho, Kanonji City Access About 20 min. walk. from Kanonji Stn. Phone 0875-25-3871 Nissho also founded this temple which is beside Temple 68. When Ku...
1273 PV
NBR. 68  Jinnein
1-2-7 Yahata-cho, Kanonji City Access About 20 min. walk. from Kanonji Stn. Phone 0875-25-3871 In 703, a monk called Nissho had a vision during which the god Ha...
1311 PV
NBR. 67  Daikoji
4209 Tsuji-komatsuo, Yamamoto-cho, Mitoyo City Access About 25 min. walk from Kanonji City community bus Mukai-shinden Bus stop. Phone 0875-63-2341 It was fount...
1539 PV
NBR.66 Unpenji
763-2 Hakuchi, Ikeda-cho, Miyoshi City Access By taxi bound for Ropeway from Kanonji Stn, about 30 min. Change the ropeway. Phone 0883-74-0066 In 807, Kukai rev...
1339 PV
NBR. 65  Sankakuji
75 Sankakuji-ko, Kanada-cho, Shikoku-chuo City Access By bus bound for Kirinomori from Iyo-Mishima stn. Get off at Sankakuji-buchi Bus Stop, about 45 min. walk....
1770 PV
NBR. 64 Maegamiji
1426 Sunouchi-ko, Saijo City Access About 10 min. walk from JR Yosan Line Ishizuchisan Stn. Phone 0897-56-6995 En no Gyoja (634?-701) founded this temple and it...
1577 PV