NBR. 19 Tatsueji

NBR. 19  Tatsueji

13 Wakamatsu Tatsue-cho, Komatsushima City
About 5 min. walk from JR Mugi LIne Tatsue Stn.
Phone 0885-37-1019

In 815, Kukai stayed here and carved a statue of Jizo.
This is one of the spiritual checkpoint (sakisho) temples.
In 1803, a woman called Okyo from Shimane Prefecture, who, after killing her husband,
came with her lover to Shikoku to make the pilgrimage. When she reached this temple,
her hair got entwined in the bell rope. She called for help and asked for repentence.
This hair is on display to the right of the Daishi Hall. The paintings on the ceiling of the Main Hall were done by the Tokyo University of the Arts in 1977.
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