Kabuki in Ryozenji Aug 22-23.

Kabuki in Ryozenji Aug 22-23.

Kabuki actor Ichikawa Danzo (63) 14, in Tokyo,
local performances “Ichikawa Danzo 50 death anniversary memorial Shikoku hallowed ground 1st Fudasho sacred mountain temple dedication Kabuki” (August 22, 23, Tokushima Ray Temple Taishi ) we went the conference.

Ichikawa Danzo falls grandfather I show off the dedication Kabuki in the land – sacred mountain temple of Yukari that warm friendship “Ennen no Mai” at the time of the Shikoku pilgrimage. Danzo said “Connect with unbroken from primary, while praying for the souls of the soul of Danzo, body and soul, he would like you let me.”

歌舞伎俳優の市川團蔵(63)が14日、都内で、地方公演「八世市川團蔵50回忌追善 四国霊場一番札所霊山寺奉納歌舞伎」(8月22、23日、徳島・霊山寺大師堂)の会見を行った。






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